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Justice and Peace
Justice and Peace
To do the work of Mary, as instruments of Mercy.
Fr. Colin envisioned a world where people from all walks of life would live Mary’s life in their time and make present in the world the Holy Spirit as modeled in Mary’s life of grace. This inspires us to enter into the quiet, passionate work of Mary, Mother of Mercy. Marists are called to live in compassionate humility reflecting the spirit of Mary: gentle, loving, relational, inclusive, and merciful. Our concerns in Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation are rooted in this. Our commitments draw us to stay:
Aware of current and emerging global problems compromising safety and security, social and economic fairness, and the delivery of reasonable justice.
In direct contact with people on the economic margins of society.
In solidarity with those who are involved in the struggle for justice.
We invite you to join us in our concern and action in the following areas of focus: Human Dignity, Climate Change & Environmental Issues, U.S. Immigration, Corporate Responsibility.
What does God require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)